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Five-star birthing facilities at PSH

Leading researchers across the globe have found that a satisfying birth experience can lead to important life influences, such as: self-efficacy, a sense of mastery and competency, and a peak experience in life. Birthing is the most profound initiation to spirituality a woman can have and the moment a child Read more…

PSH proposes partnership as the way forward to elevate Fiji’s healthcare

Pacific Specialist Healthcare (PSH), Fiji’s home-grown locally owned multi-specialty hospital proposes learning from their management model on the health sector’s sustainable development and effective, efficient and economical management of hospital operations for long-term viability, independence, local capability and capacity building. Strategically located near the Nadi International Airport, PSH is a Read more…

Plan to offer medical cover for patients

Pacific Specialist Healthcare (PSH) in Nadi is working with medical insurers on providing medical cover for patients. Founder and chief executive officer Parvish Kumar said the initiative was in line with the Government’s vision of promoting the country as a competitive and attractive medical tourist destination. “Insurers can now spend Read more…

Veteran harsher wishes participants well

Rod Dominish, a veteran hasher, who has been to Fiji almost 20 times, has given his blessings to the inaugural Pacific Specialist Healthcare Hospital-sponsored Pan Asia-Pacific Hash that will be held in Fiji in September, 2027. Dominish, who began his running with the Sydney Hash House Harriers way back in Read more…

World Class Service, Competitive Rates

The hospital is aligned to government aspirations for promoting medical tourism with the establishment of our new cardiology department, and our first successful open-heart surgery. The Pacific Specialist Healthcare Hospital is ready to deliver the dreams envisioned by the Fiji Government, to turn Fiji into a lucrative health tourism destination, Read more…